News from the Association
We report on our internal international and national events, ongoing projects and meetings.

Annual general meeting
EventsThe annual general meeting takes place on December 9, 2015, (most likely in Zurich).
Special invitations to the annual general meeting will be sent. Further information will be provided in due course.

Conference «Recognition of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships»
EventsIn the first half of 2016 (most likely in Basel and in Geneva) a conference on the draft convention «Recognition of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships», which was adopted on the occasion of the Hamburg Conference 2014, will be organized.

Review of the Rules on General Average
ProjectsThe Comité Maritime International (CMI) has been revising the rules on general average for quite some time now. Switzerland is represented in this project by our member Mr. Andreas Bach.
Despite multiple attempts from various national maritime…

Transfer of the project «Recognition of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships»
ProjectsThe draft convention on «Recognition of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships» was adopted on the occasion of the Hamburg Conference 2014. It is now time to transfer the convention into the intergovernmental organizations, in which the instrument…

Harmonization of the Marine Insurance Law
ProjectsThe International Working Group on international marine insurance law is currently concentrating on the sections of international conventions, which relate to the compulsory insurance. For these insurances various questions arise in practice…

Conference «Introduction to the general principles of international maritime law»
EventsThe conference will be held in cooperation with the Swiss Shippers Council (SSC) on September 22, 2015, in the Hotel Engimatt, Zurich.
Special invitations to the conference will be sent. You find the program of the conference as well as a…